How (and Why) to Ditch Dropbox and Sync Files with BitTorrent Sync
Dropbox (and similar cloud services) are awesome, but they don’t give you that much control, security, or privacy over your files. If you want to take control into your own hands without losing the features… Link to full article.
Exciting! IFTTT is one of my *very* favorite tools. I use it to automate a huge variety of tasks, and I highly recommend checking it out if you haven’t already. And if you look at the menubar above, I’ve shared some of my favorite IFTTT recipes. 🙂
IFTTT introduces 3 new apps to automate the world around you
IFTTT, the internet automation service, is growing from a single app to a family of them. Today the company is launching three new apps for Android and iOS, as well as rebranding its flagship app…. Link to full article.
Here are some practical tips for file management for isometric assets. More great art production info by Junxue Li!
In a city builder game, the in-game graphic of a building is simple: a static image, plus a few simple animations. But in the production, we have a whole bunch of resources to manage: 3D files, textures,… Link to full article.
5 Tools to Extract Images From PDF Files. Handy! The last in the list is a desktop app if your PDFs are under NDA.
If you have a PDF file full of images, you may want to have those images converted to JPG files or PNG files. This would, for example, make it easier to get those images printed, or altered by an image… Link to full article.
“Dropbox’s web client is now smart enough to open files directly in their native apps”
Dropbox hasn’t radically changed its core product in a long time, instead relying on solid stability and a steady beat of incremental updates to make syncing your files easier. One such upgrade is… Link to full article.
Polycount Riot Games Art Contest winners! The art is great, but also, the art direction feedback is top notch.
The artistic style of ‘El Braum’ aligns closely with the character style of League of Legends. It has a great in-game read and takes our camera angle and character scale into account. The sculpt has… Link to full article.
Junxue Li is back with another great art production overview, this time on designing isometric buildings:
This title is a bit misleading, in fact this article is not about how to design to its essence: how to use colors, forms, how to draw… these are mastered during the long time training in an art school,… Link to full article.
Productivity geeks! Do you use an app launcher? Here’s an excellent overview of more awesome ways you can use them:
Do you still launch applications by pressing the Windows key and searching for your app? That’s a serviceable way to get your apps up and running, but it’s pretty limited. If you’ve never used an app… Link to full article.
WOW! Art directors, leads, and outsourcing managers take note — this is a list of website style guides, pattern libraries and design manuals for inspiration and education. Salesforce, Atlassian, MailChimp, and more besides. These are great examples for how to design meaningful, easy-to-understand style guides for artists. Wonderful stuff. 🙂
Curated links to various style guides, pattern libraries and design manuals for inspiration. Handpicked by Saijo George. Link to full article.
Art outsourcing and production for the game industry