Excellent introduction to Physically Based Rendering and what it means for artists. If you’re a game artist that doesn’t yet know what that is, or if you are still unsure of precisely what it means for how to make art now, this is *required* reading. Stay sharp and keep your competitive edge!
Tutorial: Physically Based Rendering, And You Can Too! By Joe “EarthQuake” Wilson This tutorial will cover the basics of art content creation, some of the reasoning behind various PBR standards (wi… Link to full article.
Another solid art production breakdown from Junxue Li.
“Art directing a match-3 map: A walkthrough”
We’re making map art for a Match-3 game recently(working as art vendor). Thanks to the excessive kindness of our client, we are allowed to post some unreleased contents here, to share the walkthrough… Link to full article.
Hi everybody! The Tools and Tech of the Globetrotting Freelancer talk that I gave this year at the External Development Summit 2014 in Vancouver is finally online! It’s an overview of how I stay online, connected, powered up, and secure when I travel, based on my experiences working as a freelance outsourcing manager as well as being employed by large game developers. The part of the talk where I talk about the apps I use is the bit people liked the most, especially on how to keep your phone and your clients’ data secure no matter what. Feedback is appreciated!
Great freelancer app tips from MakeUseOf! “How Apps Can Help Any Freelancer Or Small Business Owner Be Productive”
If you’re running your own small business or making a living as a freelancer, then you already know quite a bit about getting things done on your own. You have to, otherwise everything falls apart. So… Link to full article.
Here’s a handy Gmail filter to auto-filter Twitter messages into nested folders. Thanks, Robert Headley! http://buff.ly/1xdOfFh
Gmail filter to automatically filter twitter messages into nested folders
by +Robert Headley
I recently found myself working on a new #twitter that is… – Robert Headley – Google+ Link to full article.
Handy cheat sheet for precise coverprofile photo image sizes.
A Creative’s Quick Guide to Social Media Image Sizes http://buff.ly/1xdCLS5
Social media is a way of life for a lot of people. For creatives, it’s a great way to get your work out there and potentially gain a following. Link to full article.
Here’s a handy set of 105 free game icons (public domain!) for your game! Good variety here with vector source. http://buff.ly/1sauNWz
105 game related icons included in both black and white, in 1x and 2x sizes. Also included are spritesheets and vector source files.Arrows, audio, menu, bars, basket, buttons, shopping, checkmark, contrast,… Link to full article.
Protip for artists and art studios: Don’t attach files to unsolicited emails. a) respect my inbox size, and b) don’t look like malware.
Social media is a way of life for a lot of people. For creatives, it’s a great way to get your work out there and potentially gain a following. Link to full article.
This is Jon Jones style hyperfocused advice for all freelancers. It’s 2hrs of info in 13 minutes. Please share! http://buff.ly/1yRLLBj
Jon Jones, in his second speech on the stage at Microtalks, breaks down an expanded list of commandments for freelance professional artists. Read more at his… Link to full article.
You can now import 3D characters from Mixamo into Photoshop. Welcome to the new generation of Poser art! http://buff.ly/1vO0Ldt
Mixamo is an online platform that enables devs/artists to unleash their imagination and be even more ambitious about their games, films, and 3D projects. Link to full article.
Art outsourcing and production for the game industry