All posts by jonjones

Excellent brand style guide examples!

WOW! Art directors, leads, and outsourcing managers take note — this is a list of website style guides, pattern libraries and design manuals for inspiration and education. Salesforce, Atlassian, MailChimp, and more besides. These are great examples for how to design meaningful, easy-to-understand style guides for artists. Wonderful stuff. 🙂

Curated links to various style guides, pattern libraries and design manuals for inspiration. Handpicked by Saijo George.
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PBR In Practice

Excellent introduction to Physically Based Rendering and what it means for artists. If you’re a game artist that doesn’t yet know what that is, or if you are still unsure of precisely what it means for how to make art now, this is *required* reading. Stay sharp and keep your competitive edge!

Tutorial: Physically Based Rendering, And You Can Too! By Joe “EarthQuake” Wilson This tutorial will cover the basics of art content creation, some of the reasoning behind various PBR standards (wi…
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Sync App: All Your Desktop Folders, On The Go

BitTorrent Sync is one of the very best tools I use for syncing all my data to all my devices, as well as syncing files with all my outsourcing partners across the globe. It’s utterly replaced Dropbox for me. This is a simple, easy-to-understand guide showing its ease of use and power. I strongly recommend it if you share files with anyone, collaborate remotely, or simply want to sync your data between multiple devices. It’s also free. Check it out!

“Sync App: All Your Desktop Folders, On The Go”

When I’m at work and on my laptop, there’s a very specific folder structure that I’m used to: Each project has it’s own folder (with different sub folders), while each product has it’s own separate…
Link to full article.