4 Tips on Making More Money as a Contractor

Want to know how to make more money as a contractor? Here are some tips.

  1. Be fast. Show me you can produce good work quickly. Don’t drag your heels and always make sure to underpromise and overdeliver. If you think it’ll take a day, tell me two and get it to me sooner than that. I’ll think, “Wow, this guy is fast!” It’s vitally important to manage the perception of you and your work speed. Other ways you can do this is by immediately addressing concerns, changes and assignments and finishing them as quickly as you can. Who doesn’t like speedy service?

  2. Show me what I’m getting for my money. Make everything look as polished as possible whenever you can, even if it’s an early WIP. If it’s concept art, a cool and stylish background will do wonders for presentation. Even if it’s ugly, make it look like it’s not. Find a way to add style and flair to everything you send me. Small coats of polish lend a feel of professionalism and value. Don’t expect to be paid more just because you want to be paid more. Show me where my money’s going. Make me feel like I’m getting a bargain for what you have to offer and the cool-as-hell way you offer it. Who doesn’t like being dazzled?

  3. Remember that I am a CUSTOMER and you are a BUSINESS. Deal with me accordingly and focus on the kind of customer service YOU like to get out of a business. Act professionally, be responsive, meet or exceed my expectations and make me feel valued. Just because I work for a company bigger than yours (you) doesn’t mean I don’t appreciate or deserve that kind of treatment. Treat me right and I’ll reward you for it. I do give raises. Who wouldn’t reward a company that treats them well with more business?

  4. Do something special, just for me. Nothing I can use, necessarily, just bait. If you think I’m interested, or you want me to be interested, make a test asset in the style of my game. This will show that not only can you do the work, but that you WANT to. You’re so motivated to work for me that you’re ALREADY making stuff that I’d like! Never, ever spend too much time on this, and don’t give it away for free. When done correctly and intelligently, this is a VERY strong message to send to a potential employer. It’s worked on me before. 🙂 Who wouldn’t be flattered?

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